The latest AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) feature winter oilseed rape varieties from LSPB (LS Plant Breeding Ltd) including high yielding Respect with a new Phoma resistance gene, clubroot resistant Crome and Croozer, Resort which is the company’s HEAR (high erucic acid) variety – and WPB Escape, the highest yielding Spring wheat on the RL.
Chris Guest, LSPB’s Managing Director, comments: “Respect is newly-added to the RL and is a high-yielding hybrid. Significantly, it is the first AHDB recommended variety to feature a new major Phoma resistance gene called RLmS.
“The new RL also list highlights the continuing important place for growers occupied by our clubroot resistant varieties Crome and Croozer – with a very high Phoma resistance rating (8) as an additional benefit.

“Resort is the only HEAR variety on the List, fulfilling a special market need as HEAR varieties can offer considerable premiums over conventional double low varieties.
“On the Spring wheat RL, the highest yielding variety is WPB Escape, bred by Wiersum Plant Breeding with LSPB as the UK agent.
“For the future, we have further wheat varieties in breeding programmes and trials alongside our winter wheat breeding programme with our two international partners.”