Oilseed Rape

We have a long and successful track record in oilseed rape breeding with a strong market presence. The current AHDB List includes UK-Recommended Turing and Vegas, East/West-Recommended Murray - plus clubroot resistant Crome - and Resort as the only listed HEAR variety. For the future, we have varieties progressing through the trials system as we continue our breeding programme which is focused on hybrids with improved yield and agronomics added to consistency in performance.


Data Source: Recommended List for winter oilseed rape
2024/25 reproduced with full acknowledgement to AHDB.

Variety NameGross outputOil contentResistance to lodgingStem stiffnessShortness of stemEarliness of floweringEarliness of maturityLight leaf spotStem canker

*Maverick, *Crusoe & *Cromat are RL Candidate varieties, AHDB Winter oilseed rape trials harvest 2024




Resort is a high erucic acid rape (HEAR) restored hybrid variety intended for specialist use in industrial processes and is a UK Described variety (DL) on the AHDB List in 2024/25.


Murray remains well positioned in the 'East/West only' Recommended category with high gross output and high seed yield.  It combines this with exceptional RlmS Phoma resistance as well as good Light leaf spot scores and strong spring vigour. Added to this, with the new AHDB ratings for Verticillium wilt resistance, it features in the highest category of 'moderately resistant', showcasing its broad stem health characteristics.


Crome is a restored hybrid with Specific Recommendation (Sp) for growing on land infected with common strains of clubroot. It has a high gross output, good resistance to Light leaf spot with good stem stiffness and resistance to lodging.


Vegas is very high yielding with exceptional RlmS Phoma resistance. It has very good Light leaf spot scores, mid-maturity and is very vigorous - particularly in the spring.


Turing is the highest yielding variety based on seed yield on the Recommended List, and just one percent point off the highest yielding varieties for gross output for the UK, with strong performance in both East/West and North regions. Its excellent yield potential is combined with very good light leaf spot resistance, and outstanding autumn and spring vigour.


Maverick is a high yielding Recommended List Candidate variety included in AHDB Winter oilseed rape trials. Its excellent yield potential is combined with exceptional RlmS & Rlm7 stem canker resistance, TuYv resistance, and outstanding autumn and spring vigour.


Crusoe is a restored hybrid Recommended List Candidate variety for growing on land infected with common strains of clubroot. It has a high gross output, high resistance to stem canker, good resistance to Light leaf spot with good stem stiffness and resistance to lodging. It is TuYV resistant.


Cromat is a restored hybrid Recommended List Candidate variety for growing on land infected with common strains of clubroot. It has a high gross output, high resistance to stem canker, good resistance to Light leaf spot with good stem stiffness and resistance to lodging. It is TuYV resistant.