LSPB is well known for the series of successful spring beans that have given growers varieties with increased yields and improved agronomics over many years, and now they launch their first winter bean, with the new PGRO Descriptive List Candidate variety Pantani.
Pantani is a Candidate for the 2022 PGRO Descriptive List, and in two years of official trials results show that it has competitive yields with a set of agronomic characters that offer a contrast to the control varieties (Wizard/Tundra). Pantani has short, stiff straw and very early maturity with a rating of 8, enabling earlier harvest in more northern areas or spreading harvest workload for those growers with a larger acreage of winter beans.
After limited seed availability in 2021 across the market place – growers may re-look at winter beans as an opportunity for good cultural control of blackgrass, especially at the later sowing dates, along with diversification in the rotation.
“We hope that with Pantani – and other winter bean varieties we have in the pipeline – we can bring growers the same improved yields and agronomic characters we have brought to spring beans over the years,” comments Chris Guest, Managing Director of LSPB.