LS Plant Breeding Ltd (LSPB) have just released a comprehensive product catalogue listing all their spring and winter beans, combining peas, winter oilseed rapes and spring wheat.
“The 44-page catalogue gives growers details of each variety with a summary followed by key characteristics including yield/output, agronomics and disease resistance,” explains Michael Shuldham LSPB’s product manager.
“In addition, the catalogue features two reference pages on clubroot and RlmS that will be of special interest to oilseed rape growers.
“The clubroot page describes the ‘Review-Rotate-Resist’ strategy with a graphic summarising the soil borne pathogen’s life cycle, a description of the pathogen, how to detect it with field checks/soil testing, and the importance of rotations and resistant varieties as part of control.
“The RlmS page has a graphic showing the infection cycle of Phoma followed by a description of the new Phoma Stem Canker major R-gene resistance. This is now in four winter oilseed rape varieties and gives resilient phoma resistance in the field plus strong overall plant health.
“The catalogue can be requested by clicking the link In addition, the web site has links to downloadable data sheets for each of LSPB’s varieties,” he adds.