Turing winter oilseed rape is at the top of the new AHDB Recommended List for winter oilseed rape – and is now added to the UK National List to stamp the seal on its full official approval.
Chris Guest, LSPB Managing Director comments: “Turing is an exciting variety for growers with its excellent yield potential, backed up with robust light leaf spot resistance – and outstanding autumn and spring vigour.”
“Combined with our other new varieties this year, Turing gives us the top RL position for the UK as well as Vegas in fourth position, plus Murray at the top of the East/West only region recommendations. All of these bring a new and widened varietal choice for oilseed rape growers.
“We also have our established varieties Respect and Flemming in the East/West region, with clubroot resistant Crome and HEAR variety Resort, to round off our offering.”
Key 2023/24 AHDB Recommended List statistics for Turing are:
- Highest treated UK gross output (107.2 vs 106.6)
- Highest UK seed yield (109 vs 107 nearest variety)
- Highest equal resistance to lodging (8)
- Highest equal earliness of flowering (8)
- High Stem stiffness (8)
- High light leaf spot resistance (7)
Fact sheets with full details of all LSPB varieties can be viewed and downloaded from www.lspb.eu